Details for Dr. Lilburn Howard Colley

Historical Marker — Atlas Number 5439001272


Marker Number 1272
Atlas Number 5439001272
Marker Title Dr. Lilburn Howard Colley
Index Entry Colley, Dr. Lilburn Howard
Address 5400 Bransford Road
City Colleyville
County Tarrant
UTM Zone 14
UTM Easting 672636
UTM Northing 3640252
Subject Codes medical topics and health professionals
Marker Year 1983
Recorded Texas Historic Landmark No
Marker Location 5400 Bransford Road, Colleyville; Colleyville City Hall
Private Property No
Marker Condition In Situ
Marker Size 18" x 28"
Marker Text A veteran of the Union Army during the Civil War, Dr. L. H. Colley (1843-1924) and his wife, Martha Sabrina (Fowks) (1860-1914), migrated from Missouri to Texas in 1880. They settled in Bransford Community in 1885, where Dr. Colley became a respected physician and an election official for the Pleasant Run School District. In 1914, when Walter G. Couch opened a grocery store in a two-room building near the Colley's home, Dr. Colley suggested naming the area Colleyville. The community has grown to include Bransford, Old Union, Pleasant Glade, Pleasant Run and Spring Garden. (1983)

Location Map