Details for Glasscock County

Historical Marker — Atlas Number 5173002187


Marker Number 2187
Atlas Number 5173002187
Marker Title Glasscock County
Index Entry Glasscock County
City Garden City
County Glasscock
UTM Zone 14
UTM Easting 265307
UTM Northing 3527932
Subject Codes counties
Marker Year 1964
Recorded Texas Historic Landmark No
Marker Location Courthouse grounds, FM 158, Garden City
Private Property No
Marker Condition In Situ
Marker Size 27" x 42"
Marker Text Created in 1887. Organized 1893, with Garden City county seat. Named for George W. Glasscock (1810-68), flatboating partner of Abraham Lincoln in Illinois. Came to Texas 1834 and fought 1835-36 in the War for Independence from Mexico. Built first Central Texas flour mill, Williamson County. Georgetown was named for him. Was in Texas Legislature, 1864- 68. Of the 254 Texas counties, 42 bear Indian, French or Spanish names. 10 honor such colonizers as Stephen F. Austin, "Father of Texas". 12 were named for Washington, Clay, and other American patriots. 96 were named for men like Glasscock who fought in the Texas War for Independence (15 dying at the Alamo), signed the Declaration of Independence, or served as statesmen in the Republic of Texas. 23 have the names of frontiersmen and pioneers. 11 honor American statesmen who worked for the annexation of Texas; 10, leaders in Texas since statehood, including jurists, ministers, educators, historians, statesmen; and 36, men prominent in the Confederacy during the Civil War. Midland and 8 others have geographical names. San Jacinto and Val Verde were named for battles. Live Oak and Orange for trees, and Mason for a Fort.

Location Map