Details for Crockett, John McClannahan

Historical Marker — Atlas Number 5113006661


Marker Number 6661
Atlas Number 5113006661
Marker Title Crockett, John McClannahan
Index Entry Crockett, John McClannahan
Address 1201 Marilla St.
City Dallas
County Dallas
UTM Zone 14
UTM Easting 706012
UTM Northing 3628623
Subject Codes municipal official; state official
Marker Year 1995
Recorded Texas Historic Landmark No
Marker Location Pioneer Park Cemetery, W of Marilla St, N of Dallas Convention Center. Map dot approximate.
Private Property No
Marker Condition In Situ
Marker Size grave marker
Marker Text (December 26, 1816 - August 4, 1887) South Carolina native John M. Crockett married Katherine (Kate) Polk in 1837. In 1848 they moved to Dallas where Crockett opened one of the pioneer settlement's first law offices. Crockett served as a state legislator, mayor of Dallas, and meteorological observer for the Smithsonian Institution in the 1850s, and as lt. governor of Texas during its first two years in the Confederacy. A prominent Mason, Crockett also helped establish The Grange in North Texas. Recorded - 1995

Location Map