Details for John Nance Garner

Historical Marker — Atlas Number 5463002794


Marker Number 2794
Atlas Number 5463002794
Marker Title John Nance Garner
Index Entry Garner, John Nance
Address US 90 in Old Uvalde Cemetery
City Uvalde
County Uvalde
UTM Zone 14
UTM Easting 420353
UTM Northing 3230279
Subject Codes state official; national/federal official
Marker Year 1968
Recorded Texas Historic Landmark No
Marker Location (South side of Uvalde/Hilcrest Cemetery - south side of US 90) - Old Uvalde Cemetery, Highway 90, Uvalde
Private Property No
Marker Condition In Situ
Marker Size grave marker
Marker Text Vice President of U.S. 1933-1941. Began career as Uvalde County Judge 1893-1896. Served in Texas Legislature 1898-1902; in U.S. Congress 1904-1932, where he was, in last term, Speaker of House of Representatives. Also an able trial lawyer, rancher, banker, and benefactor of Southwest Texas Junior College. Married Ettie Rheiner. Had a son, Tully; one grandchild, Genevieve G. Currie. Known as "Cactus Jack" for his unique western individualism. Recorded--1968.

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