disasters, industrial/human made; women, women's history topics; local law enforcement officer
Marker Year
Recorded Texas Historic Landmark
Marker Location
Courthouse Grounds, 100 Ave of W. Beauregard, San Angelo
Private Property
Marker Condition
In Situ
Marker Size
18" x 28"
Marker Text
Sponsor of 1918 measure to give Texas women right to vote. Born in Lawrence County, Tenn. came to Texas 1872. Helped map town site of Ben Ficklin, first county seat, Tom Green County. Grew first bale of cotton and installed first (water-powered) cotton gin in county; was one of first ranchers to work for law and order, in fencing rangeland. County Commissioner 6 years. Served 1915-1919 in Legislature of Texas. There his amendment to 1918 election bill gave vote in primaries to women of Texas three years before the national adoption of woman's suffrage. (1968)