Details for Colonel Richard B. Hubbard

Historical Marker — Atlas Number 5423007734


Marker Number 7734
Atlas Number 5423007734
Marker Title Colonel Richard B. Hubbard
Index Entry Hubbard, Colonel Richard B.
City Tyler
County Smith
UTM Zone 15
UTM Easting 284641
UTM Northing 3576071
Subject Codes Civil War; educational topics; military topics
Marker Year 1963
Recorded Texas Historic Landmark No
Marker Location Hubbard High School, 1300 Hubbard Dr.
Private Property No
Marker Condition In Situ
Marker Size Civil War Subject
Marker Text (Star and Wreath) (1832-1901) School named for Texas Confederate. Georgia-born, came to Texas 1853. Tyler lawyer, politician. State legislator. Raised 5th Tex. Inf. Bn., merged 1862 in Hubbard's Regt., 22nd Tex. Inf. In 1863 campaign to stop split of South on the Mississippi River, unit helped relieve Vicksburg Siege. Interrupted supplies for Federals, gave military support to drovers pushing cattle across river to Confederates. Regt. fought in 1864 Red River campaign to stop invasion Texas. Governor R. B. Hubbard.

Location Map