Details for Homesite of Judge James Nathan Browning

Historical Marker — Atlas Number 5375002545


Marker Number 2545
Atlas Number 5375002545
Marker Title Homesite of Judge James Nathan Browning
Index Entry Browning, Judge James Nathan, Homesite of
City Amarillo
County Potter
UTM Zone 14
UTM Easting 242856
UTM Northing 3902100
Subject Codes law, lawyers; judges; state official
Marker Year 1969
Recorded Texas Historic Landmark No
Marker Location Thompson Memorial Park, Amarillo.
Private Property No
Marker Condition In Situ
Marker Size 27" x 42"
Marker Text Cowboy, lawyer, state official and jurist. Born in Arkansas, Browning received only a few months formal education, but taught himself by reading at night by the dim light of a pine knot. At 16, he came with his family to Cooke County, Texas, but later moved west to become a cowboy. His first job as a trail hand opened a nine-year career as a cattleman. His quick mind and desire for knowledge led him to begin the study of law with a law firm at Fort Griffin. Admitted to the Bar in 1876, he began a dual career of public service and private practice that continued through moves to Mobeetie, Clarendon and Amarillo. He was named first district attorney of the 31st Judicial District, a sprawling area taking in the entire Panhandle; he often had to ride hundreds of lonely miles to attend court. He was elected (1882) State Representative from the 43rd District (which included 69 counties). Re-elected in 1884, 1886, 1890, he became a popular champion of the rights of small farmers and settlers against big ranching interests. He served as Lieutenant Governor, 1898-1902; and on the Board of Regents, University of Texas, 1903-1907. From 1906 to 1914 he served as District Judge in Amarillo. Twice married, he had 10 children. (1969)

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