Details for Benjamin D. Martin
Historical Marker — Atlas Number 5231007816
Marker Number | 7816 |
Atlas Number | 5231007816 |
Marker Title | Benjamin D. Martin |
Index Entry | Martin, Benjamin D. |
Address | |
City | Greenville |
County | Hunt |
UTM Zone | 14 |
UTM Easting | 770635 |
UTM Northing | 3670084 |
Subject Codes | Civil War; military topics |
Marker Year | 1968 |
Recorded Texas Historic Landmark | No |
Marker Location | East Mount Cemetery (Marshall at Pine St.) |
Private Property | No |
Marker Condition | In Situ |
Marker Size | grave marker |
Marker Text | (Feb. 21, 1823 - Mar. 28, 1891) Came to Texas from Virginia and settled in Hunt County in 1850s. In Confederate army, organized Texas Sharpshooters, called "Ben Martin's Company." First mayor of Greenville (present regime), 1873; helped draft Texas Constitution, 1875; state senator, 1876-1878; and Greenville mayor again, 1884. He rendered outstanding public service in a long career. Married Elizabeth Caroline Dickenson in 1845. They had six children. |