Details for Lorenzo de Zavala
Historical Marker — Atlas Number 5201010638
Marker Number | 10638 |
Atlas Number | 5201010638 |
Marker Title | Lorenzo de Zavala |
Index Entry | de Zavala, Lorenzo |
Address | |
City | Houston |
County | Harris |
UTM Zone | |
UTM Easting | |
UTM Northing | |
Subject Codes | Mexican immigrants/immigration; Texas Revolution, Republic of Texas; state official |
Marker Year | 1936 |
Recorded Texas Historic Landmark | No |
Marker Location | |
Private Property | No |
Marker Condition | In Situ |
Marker Size | 1936 Centennial marker |
Marker Text | Signer of the Texas Declaration of Independence. Vice president of the Republic of Texas. His plank-covered log house, the first in the municipality of Harrisburg. built in 1829, served as a hospital for the wounded after the Battle of San Jacinto. Here de Zavala died, November 15, 1836. Erected by the State of Texas 1936 |