Details for Jesse P. Loving

Historical Marker — Atlas Number 5181012364


Marker Number 12364
Atlas Number 5181012364
Marker Title Jesse P. Loving
Index Entry Loving, Jesse P.
Address 1304 W. Lamar
City Sherman
County Grayson
UTM Zone 14
UTM Easting 720907
UTM Northing 3723875
Subject Codes county official; state official; Civil War
Marker Year 2000
Recorded Texas Historic Landmark No
Marker Location in West Hill Cemetery
Private Property No
Marker Condition In Situ
Marker Size grave marker
Marker Text (1836-1919) Missouri native Jesse "Jess" P. Loving came to Texas with his family in 1847. They settled first near relatives in Denton County, and moved to Sherman in Grayson County in 1852. Loving married Lydia Ellen Bomar in 1859. A Confederate veteran, he became a prominent civic leader, serving multiple terms as county treasurer and state representative. In 1879 Loving was the driving force behind the establishment of the Old Settlers Association of Grayson County. Jesse and Lydia Loving were charter members of the Houston Street Christian Church and were the parents of nine children. RECORDED-2000

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