Details for Reedy Chapel A. M. E. Church

Historical Marker — Atlas Number 5167007548


Marker Number 7548
Atlas Number 5167007548
Marker Title Reedy Chapel A. M. E. Church
Index Entry Reedy Chapel A. M. E. Church
Address 2013 Broadway
City Galveston
County Galveston
UTM Zone 15
UTM Easting 326132
UTM Northing 3242638
Subject Codes churches; Methodist (Methodist Episcopal and United Methodist) denomination; African American topics; Georgian Revial (Architectural style); Episcopal denomination
Marker Year 1975
Recorded Texas Historic Landmark Yes
Marker Location
Private Property No
Marker Condition In Situ
Marker Size Medallion & Plate
Marker Text This structure, erected during the pastorate of the Rev. J. E. Edwards, replaced the first Reedy Chapel Church on this site, destroyed by the 1885 Galveston fire. Contractor E. F. Campbell began construction in 1886. Four storms hit the island that year, delaying completion of the project until 1887. Severely damaged by the hurricane of 1900, the building was restored to its original Gothic style. The church was repaired and enlarged again in 1947 and 1957. Recorded Texas Historic Landmark - 1975

Location Map