Details for Trammel's Trace

Historical Marker — Atlas Number 5037009511


Marker Number 9511
Atlas Number 5037009511
Marker Title Trammel's Trace
Index Entry Trammel's Trace
City Texarkana vicinity
County Bowie
UTM Zone 15
UTM Easting 403130
UTM Northing 3706414
Subject Codes roads
Marker Year 1965
Recorded Texas Historic Landmark No
Marker Location 2 mi. north of Texarkana on US 59/71. MARKER REPORTED DAMAGED AND UNDER REPAIR NOV. 2011.
Private Property No
Marker Condition Damaged
Marker Size 18" x 28"
Marker Text Entered Texas at this point. The 1813 road from St. Louis brought in great numbers of pioneers: Stephen F. Austin, his settlers, Sam Houston, James Bowie, David Crockett and others who died in the Texas Revolution. From here pointed southwest. Crossed the Sulphur at Epperson ferry, going south to Nacogdoches, linking "Southwest Trail" with the King's Highway to Mexico. Surveyed by Nicholas Trammel (born in Nashville, Tenn., 1780; died, LaGrange, Texas, 1852), one of a family of U. S. surveyors and scouts. Mapped many trails, but only this one bears his name. (1965)

Location Map