Details for Capt. Peter F. Tumlinson

Historical Marker — Atlas Number 5507018162


Marker Number 18162
Atlas Number 5507018162
Marker Title Capt. Peter F. Tumlinson
Index Entry Tumlinson, Peter F., Capt.
Address 108 Virginia Street
City Pleasanton
County Atascosa
UTM Zone 14
UTM Easting 550244
UTM Northing 3204804
Subject Codes Texas Revolution, Republic of Texas, Texas Ranger, Government officials, Fraternities
Marker Year 2015
Recorded Texas Historic Landmark No
Marker Location On the corner of Virginia Street and Main Street at the Pleasanton Masonic Lodge #283
Private Property No
Marker Condition In Situ
Marker Size 18" x 28" with post
Marker Text Peter Tumlinson was 19 years old when his family moved to Texas in 1821. During an 1823 skirmish with Waco Indians, his father, John Jackson Tumlinson, became the first Texas Ranger to die in the line of duty. Peter followed his father into the Texas Rangers. During his forty years of service, Tumlinson clashed with Indian raiders and the infamous Mexican bandit Juan Cortina. He also fought in the Texas Revolution, and family tradition holds that he was present at Sam Houston’s meeting with Santa Anna following the Battle of San Jacinto. For his service, Tumlinson was granted land in Atascosa County, where he served as county commissioner and founded Pleasanton Masonic Lodge No. 283 A.F. & A.M. and served as charter treasurer.

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