Details for Lee College

Historical Marker — Atlas Number 5507016854


Marker Number 16854
Atlas Number 5507016854
Marker Title Lee College
Index Entry Lee College
Address 200 Lee Drive
City Baytown
County Harris
UTM Zone 15
UTM Easting 308693
UTM Northing 3290734
Subject Codes institutional buildings; educational topics
Marker Year 2011
Recorded Texas Historic Landmark No
Marker Location near entrance of Rundell Hall Conference Center
Private Property No
Marker Condition In Situ
Marker Size 27" x 42"
Marker Text In 1934, during the Great Depression and after several years of planning, the residents of the Goose Creek Independent School District voted to establish Lee Junior College, stressing the importance of higher education opportunities for area residents. One hundred seventy-seven students registered during the fall 1934 semester, and paid less than $15 per semester in fees. The junior college first shared facilities with Robert E. Lee High School, and classes met at night. In 1935 four women made up the first graduating class, and vocational education was inaugurated with a non-credit class in child psychology. The school’s name was changed to Lee College in 1948, and a separate campus was first utilized in 1951. In 1965, the college separated from Goose Creek C.I.S.D. and obtained its own board of regents. Lee College instituted a college level program in Huntsville at the Texas Department of Corrections in 1966, becoming a pioneer in prison education. The program was designed to reduce recidivism of inmates by offering them educational opportunities, and remains a vital part of the college’s programming. The Lee College honors program was established in 1974 to serve gifted and highly motivated students by preparing them for success in education and employment opportunities. Classes in the program are taught in a seminar format, and several scholarships are awarded through the program based on academic excellence. Lee College continues today to offer academic as well as vocational-technical and continuing education classes to the residents of Baytown and the surrounding area. 175 Years of Texas Independence * 1836 - 2011

Location Map