Details for Sand Hills Section House

Historical Marker — Atlas Number 5475003788


Marker Number 3788
Atlas Number 5475003788
Marker Title Sand Hills Section House
Index Entry Sand Hills Section House
Address Park Road 41
City Monahans
County Ward
UTM Zone 13
UTM Easting 707220
UTM Northing 3502043
Subject Codes railroads; houses, residential buildings
Marker Year 1965
Recorded Texas Historic Landmark Yes
Marker Location Monahans Sandhills State Park, Sandhills Picnic Pavilion, aka Old Railroad Section House.
Private Property
Marker Condition
Marker Size Medallion and Plate
Marker Text Built 1903 by Texas & Pacific Rwy., for one of its track foremen who were stationed every 20 miles along road. Section houses in Permian Basin had water and human aid for men sand-bogged or stranded in storms. (Recorded Texas Historic Landmark, 1965.)