Details for San Felipe Springs

Historical Marker — Atlas Number 5465004534


Marker Number 4534
Atlas Number 5465004534
Marker Title San Felipe Springs
Index Entry San Felipe Springs
Address 1524 E. US 90
City Del Rio
County Val Verde
UTM Zone 14
UTM Easting 317193
UTM Northing 3250777
Subject Codes roads; water topics
Marker Year 1966
Recorded Texas Historic Landmark No
Marker Location San Felipe Springs Golf Course, near Spring #3 between holes 6 and 7. Map dot approximate.
Private Property
Marker Condition
Marker Size 18" x 28"
Marker Text Oasis for explorers, soldiers, freighters--from 1542 onward. In 1675 priests named the 7 Springs for King of Spain. In 18th century Comanches camped here on their war trail into Mexico. In 1808 a mission was established 3 miles downstream, on San Felipe Creek. By 1856-57, Springs were on the 1470-mile San Antonio-to-San Diego mail route and on Chihuahua Road for wagons hauling silver and gold from Mexico to Inidanola, then chief port on Texas Coast. After settlers came in 1864, irrigation "Mother Ditch" was dug; soon Del Rio was founded. (1966)