Details for Elliott Ranch
Historical Marker — Atlas Number 5461001460
Marker Number | 1460 |
Atlas Number | 5461001460 |
Marker Title | Elliott Ranch |
Index Entry | Elliott Ranch |
Address | 5th and Main St. |
City | Rankin |
County | Upton |
UTM Zone | 14 |
UTM Easting | 219964 |
UTM Northing | 3457839 |
Subject Codes | ranches/ranching; houses, residential buildings |
Marker Year | 1965 |
Recorded Texas Historic Landmark | Yes |
Marker Location | At the Yates Hotel (5th and Main Sts.) Rankin |
Private Property | No |
Marker Condition | In Situ |
Marker Size | Medallion & Plate |
Marker Text | Built 1880 near old Butterfield Stage Road by Geo. Elliott, from San Antonio, one of first to go so far out on open range. Had to haul water from head of the Concho, 50 miles. His home was first polling place in what became Upton County in 1887. Headquarters 1905-1928 for Mayer Halff and brother's J. M., "Quien Sabe", Circle Dot herds. After Upton County organized, 1910, served as a mail station, a salt house, cowboys' bunkhouse. Recorded Texas Historic Landmark, 1965. |