Details for Castle Mountain

Historical Marker — Atlas Number 5461000755


Marker Number 755
Atlas Number 5461000755
Marker Title Castle Mountain
Index Entry Castle Mountain
Address US 385
City McCamey
County Upton
UTM Zone 13
UTM Easting 757057
UTM Northing 3465802
Subject Codes geology; mountains and mountain passes
Marker Year 1966
Recorded Texas Historic Landmark Yes
Marker Location Off US 385 on private property. Map dot approximate.
Private Property Yes
Marker Condition Access Restricted
Marker Size 14" x 24"
Marker Text (2 mi. East) About 3,000 ft. elevation. Since 17th century, a landmark in travel from Texas points to Mexico and California. According to tradition, named by Spaniards for resemblance to ancient castles. Has associations with stories of lost trains of gold and other treasures. (1966)