Details for Tillotson College

Historical Marker — Atlas Number 5453012248


Marker Number 12248
Atlas Number 5453012248
Marker Title Tillotson College
Index Entry Tillotson College
Address 900 Chicon St.
City Austin
County Travis
UTM Zone 14
UTM Easting 622980
UTM Northing 3350563
Subject Codes women, women's history topics; African American topics; educational topics
Marker Year 1999
Recorded Texas Historic Landmark No
Marker Location
Private Property No
Marker Condition In Situ
Marker Size 18" x 28"
Marker Text Founded in 1875 by the Rev. George J. Tillotson with the support of the American Missionary Association and congregational churches, Tillotson Collegiate and Normal Institute was chartered in 1877. Building on a foundation already set in Austin by the Evans Industrial School, Tillotson College focused on teacher training and quality education for African Americans. In 1925 Tillotson was designated a junior college. In 1926 it became a women's college and Mary Elizabeth Branch assumed the presidency in 1930. During her tenure, the school returned to its co-educational status as a full four-year institution. Through Branch's efforts, a partnership with Samuel Huston College was established, and in 1952 the two schools merged to form Huston-Tillotson College. (1999)

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