Details for Drummond Cemetery

Historical Marker — Atlas Number 5441013209


Marker Number 13209
Atlas Number 5441013209
Marker Title Drummond Cemetery
Index Entry Drummond Cemetery
Address CR 290, CR 316
City Abilene
County Taylor
UTM Zone 14
UTM Easting 417312
UTM Northing 3581624
Subject Codes cemetery; pioneers
Marker Year 2004
Recorded Texas Historic Landmark No
Marker Location US 277 to CR 290, then W 0.7 mi. and right on CR 316 for 0.4 mi.
Private Property No
Marker Condition In Situ
Marker Size HTC marker
Marker Text In 1879, after her husband's death in Jamaica, Helen Fanny Harris Drummond returned with her children to England. She immigrated with them to the United States in 1885, settling in Brazos County, Texas. In October 1891, she purchased 100 acres in Taylor County, including this site, from the Hammond family. By 1895, she had donated two acres for the Drummond Cemetery; the deed for the property was officially recorded in 1901. The earliest grave is believed to be that of an infant buried in 1892. Later that year, the infant son of Joseph C. and Nannie Stewart Hammond died and was interred here. His is the earliest marked grave. Helen Drummond's grave dates to 1896. Several of her descendants, as well as those of the Hammonds, are also interred at the cemetery. Of note is the gravesite of pioneer settler Martha Jones Hardin Heffernan (d. 1918), who was living in the area by 1880. Today, the burial ground, enlarged in 1996, is maintained by a cemetery association of community residents and family members. It remains an important link between early area settlers and the generations that have followed. Historic Texas Cemetery - 2004

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