Details for Fletcher Ranch

Historical Marker — Atlas Number 5441001916


Marker Number 1916
Atlas Number 5441001916
Marker Title Fletcher Ranch
Index Entry Fletcher Ranch
Address FM 1750 to Old Colema Highway (CR 120)
City Abilene
County Taylor
UTM Zone 14
UTM Easting 434901
UTM Northing 3571610
Subject Codes ranches/ranching; farms
Marker Year 1979
Recorded Texas Historic Landmark No
Marker Location From Loop 322, Abilene, take FM 1750 south about 6 miles, then continue on FM 1750 east about 1 miles, then take Old Colema Highway (CR 120) south about 3.5 miles to ranch gates.
Private Property No
Marker Condition In Situ
Marker Size 27" x 42"
Marker Text In 1878 James Robert Fletcher, his wife, and son Lorenzo Thomas (1868-1939) came here from Granbury. Their caravan included a small herd of cattle and work animals. A carpenter came to construct a two-story ranch house. Fletcher filed for a patent on this land because of the nearby spring-fed creek, large trees for wood, coved for animal protection and ample grass. The first spring Fletcher planted sorghum for his cattle, making this one of the first cultivated areas in the county. He shipped Merino sheep from California and made an unsuccessful attempt at raising the first sheep on a large scale in the area. Lorenzo ("Lo") walked to school at Buffalo Gap and later to Buffalo Gap Presbyterian College, marking a trail with buffalo skulls which could be seen by moonlight. After his father died in 1886, Lorenzo took over the ranch operations. In 1889 he married Lula May Cummings whom he met at Buffalo Gap College. They had three children. Their daughters have developed the Lytle Cove land into a wildlife refuge for birds, deer, and wild turkey. This ranch is recognized as the oldest property in Taylor County still occupied by the original family. (1979)

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