Details for Abilene Negro High School

Historical Marker — Atlas Number 5441000071


Marker Number 71
Atlas Number 5441000071
Marker Title Abilene Negro High School
Index Entry Abilene Negro High School
Address 520 N 9th Street
City Abilene
County Taylor
UTM Zone 14
UTM Easting 431699
UTM Northing 3591512
Subject Codes African American topics; educational topics
Marker Year 1996
Recorded Texas Historic Landmark No
Marker Location 520 North 9th Street, Abilene
Private Property No
Marker Condition In Situ
Marker Size 27" x 42"
Marker Text The first public school for African Americans in Abilene was established in 1890. Located in the 200 block of Plum Street, the one-room school was named the Abilene Colored School. Its first class consisted of 22 students and one teacher. In 1902 the school moved to a one-room structure built at North 7th and Magnolia, and had two teachers serving 84 students. The colored school held its first graduation in 1923 at the Macedonia Baptist Church for one student. A five-room school was constructed at 541 North 8th Street in 1929. That year the student body consisted of 217 pupils. The building was later used for the Americanization School for Abilene's Hispanic Youth, and as a community recreation center. A 10-room brick school was erected in 1936 here on a campus of more than 6 acres. A 4-room expansion was added in 1941. By 1951 the school became Carter G. Woodson School. In 1953 it became Woodson Elementary School with the opening of the Carter G. Woodson Junior-Senior High School at 342 North Cockrell Street. It was closed in 1968 when the Abilene School District became integrated. The structures continue to serve the Abilene community for various educational purposes. (1996)

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