Details for Moses Fisk Roberts

Historical Marker — Atlas Number 5419007692


Marker Number 7692
Atlas Number 5419007692
Marker Title Moses Fisk Roberts
Index Entry Roberts, Moses Fisk
City Shelbyville
County Shelby
UTM Zone 15
UTM Easting 397619
UTM Northing 3514763
Subject Codes Texas Revolution, Republic of Texas; military topics
Marker Year 1972
Recorded Texas Historic Landmark No
Marker Location SH 87, Shelbyville Cemetery
Private Property No
Marker Condition In Situ
Marker Size grave marker
Marker Text (1803-1889) Highly regarded public servant and farmer of Shelby County. His ever-present pack of fox hounds earned him nickname "Dog" Roberts. Born in Tennessee, he moved to Texas in 1836. Lost right eye as soldier in Texas revolution. Was later officer in Texas militia. Served in Congress of Republic (1839-42) and State Legislature (1853-54; 1857-58). Was also justice of the peace and county judge. First wife was Amanda Grant; second, Nancy Murray.

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