Details for The Fort Smith-Santa Fe Trail Marcy Route, 1849

Historical Marker — Atlas Number 5375002019


Marker Number 2019
Atlas Number 5375002019
Marker Title The Fort Smith-Santa Fe Trail Marcy Route, 1849
Index Entry Fort Smith-Santa Fe Trail Marcy Route, 1849
Address SH 136
City Amarillo
County Potter
UTM Zone 14
UTM Easting 260814
UTM Northing 3927694
Subject Codes roads; military topics; railroads
Marker Year 1965
Recorded Texas Historic Landmark No
Marker Location From Amarillo, take SH 136 northeast about 20 miles. Marker site is W side of the road, 2.5 miles north of FM 1342. Marker reported missing Oct. 2018.
Private Property No
Marker Condition Missing
Marker Size 27" x 42"
Marker Text Clearly visible to the northeast and southwest are ruts of the Old Fort Smith-Santa Fe Trail, the overland route connecting river ports of Fort Smith and Van Buren, Arkansas with Santa Fe, New Mexico. Route gained national fame when Col. R.B. Marcy, U.S. Army, escorted party of 500 Arkansans--professional and business men and families--over this road in June 1849, on the way to California's gold fields. Scores of goldseekers in smaller groups also used the route that year. Old trail became proposed route in 1853 for first transcontinental railroad as surveyed by Lt. A.W. Whipple. Prior to the Civil War, this route had won Congressional support, but the War shifted sentiment so that Union Pacific, to the northward, actually was built first. During the War, a mail line left the Old Butterfield Stage Route in Eastern Oklahoma and went by way of this point over to Las Vegas and Santa Fe. In 1878 began usage of this link of road for a mail-stage line from the federal fort at Mobeetie, in the Texas Panhandle, to Las Vegas, New Mexico. The trail has not been used since 1888. (1965)