Details for Pat Dunn Ranch

Historical Marker — Atlas Number 5355006314


Marker Number 6314
Atlas Number 5355006314
Marker Title Pat Dunn Ranch
Index Entry Dunn, Pat, Ranch
Address Park Road 22 at SH 361 on Padre Island
City Corpus Christi
County Nueces
UTM Zone 14
UTM Easting 675549
UTM Northing 3056389
Subject Codes ranches/ranching; Irish immigrants/immigration
Marker Year 1973
Recorded Texas Historic Landmark No
Marker Location Park road 22, just north of intersection with SH 361 on east side of road, Padre Island, Corpus Christi
Private Property No
Marker Condition In Situ
Marker Size 27" x 42"
Marker Text Patrick Francis Dunn, the son of Irish immigrants Thomas and Catherine H. Dunn, was born October 10, 1858, in Corpus Christi. He married Clara J. Jones August 30, 1883. In December 1883, Pat Dunn entered a partnership with his mother and brother, Thomas, to graze cattle on Padre Island, and as manager moved to the island in January 1884. Settling 20 miles down the coast. Laguna Madre and the Gulf of Mexico served as natural fences; during roundup, ranch hands drove stock into several corrals scattered along the 110-mile island. When his children reached school age, Dunn moved back to Corpus Christi and established headquarters at the north end of the island. In 1907, after buying his brother's interest, he built a 2-story house on Corpus Christi Pass (0.5 mile east), using lumber washed ashore from shipwrecks. Much of the house and corrals were constructed of fine mahogany. The house was destroyed in the hurricane of 1916, the year of his mother's death, which left Dunn as sole owner of the ranch. Pat Dunn sold his Padre Island interests in 1926, retaining grazing rights, which he used until his death March 25, 1937. His son, Burton Dunn, continued ranching operations until his death Sept. 8, 1970, after which the last cattle were removed from Padre Island. (1973)

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