Details for Captain Charles Welhausen

Historical Marker — Atlas Number 5285000712


Marker Number 712
Atlas Number 5285000712
Marker Title Captain Charles Welhausen
Index Entry Welhausen, Captain Charles
City Shiner
County Lavaca
UTM Zone 14
UTM Easting 677148
UTM Northing 3257210
Subject Codes county official; local law enforcement officer; state official; Civil War; German immigrants/immigration; military topics
Marker Year 1992
Recorded Texas Historic Landmark No
Marker Location SH 90A, between 9th and 10th Streets, Welhausen Park, Shiner
Private Property No
Marker Condition In Situ
Marker Size 27" x 42"
Marker Text (September 2, 1835 - November 3, 1916) A native of Hanover, Germany, Charles Welhausen immigrated to Texas with his parents, arriving at the Port of Galveston in 1843. They settled first at Cat Spring in Austin County, and later moved to High Hill in Fayette county, where Charles became a saddle maker. Enlisting in the Confederate army at the outbreak of the Civil War, Charles Welhausen served at Fort Brown and Fort Manhassett in Texas before taking part in the Battle of Calcasieu Pass in Louisiana in 1864. Cited for gallantry in action, he was promoted to captain. Returning to Fayette County after the war, Welhausen married Eliza Amsler in 1867. He served as county commissioner and justice of the peace, and was elected to represent Fayette County in the twenty-first Texas Legislature in 1888. In 1890 the Welhausens and their children moved to Shiner, where they purchased a ranch from H. B. Shiner. Charles Welhausen opened a bank and became a respected business and civic leader; Eliza Welhausen was an active lay leader in the Methodist church. Charles Welhausen purchased this site in 1911 and donated it to the city for a park.

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