Details for Site of Wheeler Springs School

Historical Marker — Atlas Number 5225012804


Marker Number 12804
Atlas Number 5225012804
Marker Title Site of Wheeler Springs School
Index Entry Wheeler Springs School, Site of
Address CR 2080
City Crockett
County Houston
UTM Zone 15
UTM Easting 248883
UTM Northing 3473638
Subject Codes educational topics; African American topics; communities
Marker Year 2002
Recorded Texas Historic Landmark No
Marker Location Wheeler Springs community, intersection of CR 2080 and CR 2016, 13.6 mi. NW of Crockett via FM 229 and CR 2080. School site is 0.4 mi. NW on CR 2016. Map dot approximate.
Private Property No
Marker Condition In Situ
Marker Size 18" x 28"
Marker Text The Wheeler Springs community was shaped in part by its school, which began on land donated in 1905 by French Taylor. The Houston County school board designated it Common School District No. 76 in 1906. Millie Denby and Lula (Denby) Dailey were the first teachers. A house moved to the site in 1930 served as a canning kitchen and cafeteria, and a 1932 log cabin provided space for meetings and quilting groups. In 1948, students began attending an area high school; Mose Dailey was their first bus driver. The county razed the 1925 schoolhouse in 1959, following consolidation, but the other buildings served the community for many years. (2002)

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