Details for Texas Railroads, C.S.A.

Historical Marker — Atlas Number 5201010793


Marker Number 10793
Atlas Number 5201010793
Marker Title Texas Railroads, C.S.A.
Index Entry Texas Railroads, C.S.A.
Address 201 S. Elm St.
City Tomball
County Harris
UTM Zone 15
UTM Easting 248137
UTM Northing 3332444
Subject Codes railroads; transportation; military topics; Civil War
Marker Year 1964
Recorded Texas Historic Landmark No
Marker Location Tomball Railroad Depot Plaza, SW corner Elm and Market streets
Private Property No
Marker Condition In Situ
Marker Size 27" x 42"
Marker Text Harris County was 1861 center for 492 miles of state railroads, with Texas & New Orleans going from here to Orange; Houston & Texas Central to Millican; Houston Tap & Brazoria to Columbia; Buffalo Bayou, Brazos & Colorado to Alleyton; and Galveston, Houston & Henderson to Galveston. At Hempstead on the H.&T.C., passengers took the Washington County R.R. to Brenham and from there went by stagecoach to Austin, the state capital. Eastern Texas R.R. went from Beaumont to Sabine Pass; Memphis, El Paso & Phoenix ran 5 miles out of Jefferson; and a "Southern Pacific" went to the Louisiana line from Marshall. Making junction with the San Antonio & Mexican Gulf which ran from Port Lavaca to Victoria was the 15-mile Indianola R.R. 1,000 troops guarded and maintained the T.&N.O. Other troops destroyed 2 lines to prevent their use in possible invasions. War ruined 7 roads, because overtaxed industry could not replace worn tracks, parts or rolling stock. By 1865 only the H.&T.C. and the G.H.&H. still ran trains, and their tracks and rolling stock were much in need of replacement. The railroads had met the challenge as they have in every war. (1964)

Location Map