Details for John Mitchell

Historical Marker — Atlas Number 5051012738


Marker Number 12738
Atlas Number 5051012738
Marker Title John Mitchell
Index Entry Mitchell, John
City Caldwell
County Burleson
UTM Zone 14
UTM Easting 721315
UTM Northing 3380003
Subject Codes African American topics; state official
Marker Year 2002
Recorded Texas Historic Landmark No
Marker Location Burleson County Courthouse grounds
Private Property No
Marker Condition In Situ
Marker Size 18" x 28"
Marker Text Born in Tennessee c. 1836-37, John Mitchell came to Texas in 1846. He began purchasing land in this area in 1870, the same year he married Viney Cox. As a member of both the 12th and 14th Legislatures, Mitchell championed increased educational opportunities for African Americans. Elected as a delegate to the 1875 Constitutional Convention, he defended the policies of Gov. Davis and was one of 11 members to vote against adoption of the new constitution, which ultimately marked the end of reconstruction in Texas. John Mitchell returned to Burleson County as a farmer and rancher, and donated land for a church and school that bore his name. Upon his death in 1921, he was buried in a family graveyard. (2002)