Details for Colonel Lewis Given Harman

Historical Marker — Atlas Number 5043000964


Marker Number 964
Atlas Number 5043000964
Marker Title Colonel Lewis Given Harman
Index Entry Harman, Lewis Given, Colonel
City Marathon
County Brewster
UTM Zone 13
UTM Easting 673366
UTM Northing 3343125
Subject Codes county official; state official; Civil War; military topics
Marker Year 1964
Recorded Texas Historic Landmark No
Marker Location From Marathon, take US 90 about 1 mi. east to junction of US 90 with US 385 N.
Private Property No
Marker Condition In Situ
Marker Size 18" x 28"
Marker Text (1818-1902) Typical of those who served the South and then moved into new counties of Western Texas. Surveyor, Indian agent, soldier, legislator, Justice of the Peace. Born in Tennessee. Moved to Texas 1838. Fought in Mexican War. Though 43 when Civil War began, immediately joined 11th Texas Cavalry, in swift 1861 campaign to place Confederate forts in Indian Territory. Was Post Commander, Fort Arbuckle, I.T., June to August 1861. Civic leader in Marathon after its founding in 1882. Had town's first Masonic funeral.

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