Details for James Buckner "Buck" Barry, C.S.A.

Historical Marker — Atlas Number 5035002716


Marker Number 2716
Atlas Number 5035002716
Marker Title James Buckner "Buck" Barry, C.S.A.
Index Entry Barry, James Buckner (Buck), C.S.A.
City Walnut Springs
County Bosque
UTM Zone 14
UTM Easting 617909
UTM Northing 3547178
Subject Codes state official; Civil War; military topics
Marker Year 1964
Recorded Texas Historic Landmark No
Marker Location Walnut Springs Park, south side of town on SH 144, Walnut Springs
Private Property No
Marker Condition In Situ
Marker Size 18" x 28"
Marker Text (1821-1906) Came to Texas from North Carolina in 1845. Fought in Mexican War and Indian campaigns. In the Civil War, commanded Confederate cavalry regiment in Texas outposts from Red River to Fort McKavett. Camps were a day's horseback ride apart. Patrols protected outer settlements and prevented Indian attacks and threatened Federal invasion from Indian territory. Elected to Texas Legislature 1883. Died on ranch near here. Left personal records of his years in frontier defenses. (1964)