Details for Home of Congressman and Mrs. Alexander W. Gregg

Historical Marker — Atlas Number 5001008762


Marker Number 8762
Atlas Number 5001008762
Marker Title Home of Congressman and Mrs. Alexander W. Gregg
Index Entry Gregg, Alexander W., Home of Congressman and Mrs.
Address 421 S. Magnolia St.
City Palestine
County Anderson
UTM Zone 15
UTM Easting 250666
UTM Northing 3516799
Subject Codes houses, residential buildings; national/federal official
Marker Year 1970
Recorded Texas Historic Landmark No
Marker Location 421 S. Magnolia St., Palestine
Private Property No
Marker Condition In Situ
Marker Size 18" x 28"
Marker Text Honored national statesman from Palestine, Congressman A. W. Gregg (1855 - 1919) lived in this house at height of his career. Gregg, member of a distinguished southern family, graduated from University of Virginia School of Law; practiced in Palestine; was in State Senate, 1886-1888. Serving in U.S. Congress 1903-1919, he was instrumental in securing sea wall to protect Galveston from such devastation as that of 1900 hurricane. Congressman Gregg married (first) Mary Bridges and (second) Mary Brooks. Had four children. House was built 1886-1892. (1970) Incise on base: Marker donated by Col. Perry E. Taylor

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