Details for Neighborhood Surveys

Atlas Number 3001009219


Serial Number NRS79-3571
Property Name Cumberland Presbyterian Church
Property Address 600 East Jefferson Street (is the >> cont .
Architect/Builder BUILDER: John Ligon
Owner Presbyterian Church
County Marion
City/Rural Jefferson
Block H
Lot 1-8
UTM Coordinates E 373570 N 3624900
USGS Map 3294-431
Construction Date 1872
Period RP
Style Gothic Revival
Description Brick Gothic Revival church with one-story on raised basement and four-story tower with clock and octagonal spire. 46' (three-bay front) by 75' (five-bays) gabled roof, two-aisle plan with recessed chancel, central projecting entrance tower; corbeled cornice and decorative brick detailing; tower has round-arched windows with architrave trim and brick sills - side windows separated by slightly projecting buttresses are double-arched with pointed arched archivolt trim. Above the nerthex doors is a leaded-glass transom with colored etched glass in diamond pattern.
Building Material: Wall Brick
Building Material: Roof Standing seam metal
Physical Condition Fair - Good
Site: Original Yes
Site: Moved No
Site: Date Moved
Alterations Unaltered
Significance Excellent example of Gothic Revival church in state of Texas. Very interesting brick detailing. English parish style Gothic church.
Area of Significance Architecture, Religion
Level of Significance Local, State
Designate Recorded Texas Historic Landmark, HABS, HSI
Original Use Church
Present Use Same
Relationship to Surroundings
Acreage/Boundary Description:
Bibliographic Data J.A. Mosely, The Presbyterian Church in Jefferson, TSHA, Austin, 1946.
See Info/Correspondence Files
Recorded By 8/80 BCN
Date 5/7/69
Photo Data 1 B&W (5/7/69) print, 1 neg. #323609
Continuation >>PROPADRSS>> street number 500?)


Front of Cumberland Presbyterian Church
Front of Cumberland Presbyterian Church

Location Map