Details for Hillary Mercer Crabb

Historical Marker — Atlas Number 5471008440


Marker Number 8440
Atlas Number 5471008440
Marker Title Hillary Mercer Crabb
Index Entry Crabb, Hillary Mercer
City Huntsville
County Walker
UTM Zone 15
UTM Easting 248812
UTM Northing 3404756
Subject Codes judges; pioneers; military topics
Marker Year
Recorded Texas Historic Landmark No
Marker Location From the intersection of SH 75 and IH 45, take SH 75 NW approx. 2 miles; Huntsville.
Private Property No
Marker Condition In Situ
Marker Size 27" x 42"
Marker Text Georgia native Hillary Mercer Crabb, a veteran of the militia in his home state, moved his family to the Mexican state of Texas in 1830. While awaiting a land grant they settled in the Sabine District. From there Crabb joined the Texas militia and served in such action as the 1832 Battle of Nacogdoches. In 1835 he was granted property at this site. The rural community that developed around his homesite (400 yds. W) became known as Crabb's Prairie. Crabb was instrumental in the early development of Huntsville and Walker County. A leader in civic and social activities, he became the first probate judge when the county was created in 1846. He also served as a justice of the peace and chief justice (county judge). In 1852 he was elected to serve the unexpired term of State Representative F. L. Hatch. Among Crabb's accomplishments as a legislator was the introduction of a bill to create Madison County. Opposed to secession, Crabb moved to Lavaca County at the outbreak of the Civil War. He later moved to Madison County, where he served as sheriff. His influence as a prominent landowner, church leader, Mason and public servant had a dramatic impact on the early growth of this area.

Location Map