Details for The Civilian Conservation Corps at Abilene State Park

Historical Marker — Atlas Number 5441012511


Marker Number 12511
Atlas Number 5441012511
Marker Title The Civilian Conservation Corps at Abilene State Park
Index Entry Civilian Conservation Corps at Abilene State Park, The
Address 150 Park Road 32
City Tuscola
County Taylor
UTM Zone 14
UTM Easting 417025
UTM Northing 3567227
Subject Codes parks; African American topics; Federal programs
Marker Year 2001
Recorded Texas Historic Landmark No
Marker Location Abilene State Park, near pool parking lot, Park Road 32 SE of FM 89
Private Property No
Marker Condition In Situ
Marker Size 27" x 42"
Marker Text President Franklin D. Roosevelt and the U.S. Congress created the Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) in 1933 to provide jobs on public lands for unemployed workers, specifically young men and World War I veterans. Quick to recognize the benefits of this program, the City of Abilene donated land in 1933 for the CCC's use in building a state park near Lake Abilene. Company No. 1823, one of the companies comprised entirely of World War I veterans, was assigned to the Taylor County site. Using the design of Abilene architect David Castle, the men constructed a refectory in addition to roads, picnic areas and a swimming pool with native sandstone as the primary building material. Abilene mayor C.L. Johnson declared it "a beautiful spot of great recreational benefit" at the opening ceremony on May 10, 1934, during which State Parks Board chairman D. E. Colp formally dedicated the new state park. In 1935 a reactivated CCC Company No. 1823, comprised of African American veterans, returned to Abilene State Park for additional work. They built culverts, a water tower and latrines, and undertook some road and stonework repairs before moving on to Kerrville. The work of the Civilian Conservation Corps is still visible at Abilene State Park, one of more than 50 public parks in Texas that benefited from labor and craftsmanship of the men of the CCC. (2001)

Location Map