GIS Map Data

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This data set contains polygons showing the locations of cemeteries that have received the Historic Texas Cemetery designation or have been located during surveys by Texas Historical Commission staff.

County Courthouses

Point data showing the locations of official Texas Historical Markers.

Historic Highways

Line data showing the locations of historic highways as determined by surveys administered by the Texas Historical Commission.

Historic Sites

Polygon locations of the 21 Historic Sites managed by the Texas Historical Commission.

Historical Markers

Point data showing the locations of official Texas Historical Markers.


Point data showing locations of museums listed in the Texas Historical Commission's museum database. Most of the locations were determined by address geocoding.

National Register of Historic Places (Districts)

Polygon data showing the locations of districts in Texas listed on the National Register of Historic Places.

National Register of Historic Places (Properties)

Point data showing the locations of properties in Texas listed on the National Register of Historic Places.

Neighborhood Surveys

Point data showing locations of resources located by any of several historic resources surveys. Most of the locations for older surveys were determined by address geocoding. The locations for some of the more recent surveys were determined by GPS.

State Historic Sites

USGS Quads