Details for El Paso High School

Historical Marker — Atlas Number 5507018420


Marker Number 18420
Atlas Number 5507018420
Marker Title El Paso High School
Index Entry El Paso High School
Address 1600 N. Virginia St.
City El Paso
County El Paso
UTM Zone 13
UTM Easting 358987
UTM Northing 3516301
Subject Codes educational topics
Marker Year 2016
Recorded Texas Historic Landmark Yes
Marker Location
Private Property No
Marker Condition In Situ
Marker Size 27" x 42" without post
Marker Text The oldest existing high school building in El Paso, this four-story structure was also the first separate facility in the city constructed for use as a high school. Begun in 1914, it was completed two years later. The prominent El Paso architectural firm of Trost and Trost designed the building, utilizing ideas from existing school facilities throughout the United States. The result was a novel plan that incorporated the athletic field, which was built by J.F. Woodward, Jr., into the overall academic center. One of the finest examples of the classical revival style in Texas, the El Paso High School was built by J.E. Morgan and by the American Construction Company of Houston. The structure features intricate detailing, elaborate columns and a dominant central pavilion that houses the auditorium. When the school was constructed, it included such innovative ideas as a Cadet Corps Armory, a four-bedroom apartment for the domestic arts classes, a rooftop garden, and drawing rooms and laboratory areas with skylights. Situated in the foothills of the Franklin Mountains, El Paso High School is a landmark in the city. Since 1916, it has been the alma mater of many prominent business, professional and civic leaders. RECORDED TEXAS HISTORIC LANDMARK – 2015