Details for Granger House and The Perch

Historical Marker — Atlas Number 5507016353


Marker Number 16353
Atlas Number 5507016353
Marker Title Granger House and The Perch
Index Entry Granger House and The Perch
Address 805 West 16th Street
City Austin
County Travis
UTM Zone 14
UTM Easting 620438
UTM Northing 3350514
Subject Codes design and construction; International architectural style
Marker Year 2010
Recorded Texas Historic Landmark Yes
Marker Location 805 West 16th Street
Private Property No
Marker Condition In Situ
Marker Size 18" x 28"
Marker Text Austin architect Charles Granger (1913-1966) designed the two-story garage and apartment structure at the rear of this lot in 1938. “The Perch” features a stucco façade and a continuous band of unadorned steel windows, and is a rare austin example of residential international style architecture. Granger married Marjorie Dodge in 1946, and when an existing Victorian-era home was removed from the lot, granger designed a larger home for his growing family, which would eventually include four children. The midcentury modern house was completed ca. 1951 and incorporates a lower rear level built into a hillside. Exterior elements include a façade of unpainted corrugated asbestos panels and a glass rear elevation.