Details for French Legation

Historical Marker — Atlas Number 5507014828


Marker Number 14828
Atlas Number 5507014828
Marker Title French Legation
Index Entry French Legation
Address 802 San Marcos St
City Austin
County Travis
UTM Zone 14
UTM Easting 621960
UTM Northing 3349057
Subject Codes French immigrants/immigration; houses, residential buildings
Marker Year 1962
Recorded Texas Historic Landmark Yes
Marker Location
Private Property No
Marker Condition In Situ
Marker Size RTHL medallion and plate
Marker Text Erected in the year 1841 by Conte Alphonse Dubois De Saligny, Charge D'Affaires for King Louis Philippe of France, to the Texas Republic. He lived here 1841-1842. House constructed of Bastrop pine, in Louisiana bayou style. Furnishings include several pieces once owned by Saligny. Purchased by State of Texas in 1945. Placed in custody of the Daughters of the Republic of Texas, who restored the house and maintain the property.