Details for Robert N. Stafford

Historical Marker — Atlas Number 5499011667


Marker Number 11667
Atlas Number 5499011667
Marker Title Robert N. Stafford
Index Entry Stafford, Robert N.
Address 1102-1212 S. Pacific (US 69)
City Mineola
County Wood
UTM Zone 15
UTM Easting 279930
UTM Northing 3615456
Subject Codes journalists; law, lawyers; state official
Marker Year 1999
Recorded Texas Historic Landmark No
Marker Location 1102-1212 S. Pacific (US 69), in Mineola City Cemetery
Private Property No
Marker Condition In Situ
Marker Size grave marker
Marker Text (November 6, 1856 - June 18, 1911) A Georgia native and son of a Methodist minister, Robert N. Stafford moved to Mineola in 1880. He was county attorney from 1880 to 1882, served two terms as district attorney, and was elected to the Texas Senate in 1894. He served twice as a delegate to the Democratic National Convention. A longtime advocate of public education, he donated two acres of land to the city of Mineola for an African American school in 1902. In addition to his public service, Stafford edited the Quitman Record, worked for the International and Great Northern Railroad, and managed the Mineola Ice and Light Company. (1999)