Details for Chesterville Cemetery

Historical Marker — Atlas Number 5481012840


Marker Number 12840
Atlas Number 5481012840
Marker Title Chesterville Cemetery
Index Entry Chesterville Cemetery
Address 5438 CR 262
City East Bernard
County Wharton
UTM Zone 14
UTM Easting 771443
UTM Northing 3278198
Subject Codes cemetery
Marker Year 2002
Recorded Texas Historic Landmark No
Marker Location From East Bernard, W on Alt 90, NE on CR 279, NW on CR 262 to the cemetery
Private Property No
Marker Condition In Situ
Marker Size HTC marker
Marker Text Land promoter John Linderholm, manager of the Southern Texas Colonization Company of Chicago, purchased more than 60,000 acres for development in Wharton and Colorado counties beginning in 1894. The Chesterville community was an outgrowth of this effort. It is named after the Nelson Chester family who, along with the Lafayette Kellison family, moved here from Illinois about 1895. Alvina Chester (1875-1971) was the town's first postmistress, and William Chester (1869-1945) developed the area and looked after local Linderholm interests. He was a partner in the Chester-Kellison general store and also served a term as postmaster. In 1897, in response to the land promotions, Peter Anderson (1857-1942) settled nearby with his wife, Augusta (1864-1915), their children and his parents. When Peter's father, Andrew (1818-1898), passed away in March, 1898, John Linderholm set aside this parcel of land adjacent to the Anderson property for a burial ground. Robert B. Wallace deeded the land to the Chesterville Cemetery Association in 1909; reorganized in 1961, the group still oversees affairs of this site that chronicles families that settled and developed this former prairie land. Historic Texas Cemetery - 2001

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