Details for City of Wharton

Historical Marker — Atlas Number 5481000894


Marker Number 894
Atlas Number 5481000894
Marker Title City of Wharton
Index Entry Wharton
Address 101 W. Burleson
City Wharton
County Wharton
UTM Zone 14
UTM Easting 781579
UTM Northing 3245014
Subject Codes cities and towns
Marker Year 1986
Recorded Texas Historic Landmark No
Marker Location 101 W. Burleson, Wharton
Private Property No
Marker Condition In Situ
Marker Size 18" x 28"
Marker Text The town of Wharton was founded as the seat of Wharton County in April 1846. Land for a courthouse, named Monterey Square, was given from the land grant of William Kincheloe, one of Stephen F. Austin's "Old Three Hundred" colonists who settled in this area in 1822. The townsite was surveyed by Virgel Stewart and William J. E. Heard, and the rich farmland attracted many settlers. The advent of railroads and irrigation brought increased settlement to the town, which remains a center of agricultural, educational, industrial, and medical services for a large area.

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