Details for The Texas Federation of Women's Clubs Headquarters

Historical Marker — Atlas Number 5453006460


Marker Number 6460
Atlas Number 5453006460
Marker Title The Texas Federation of Women's Clubs Headquarters
Index Entry Texas Federation of Women's Clubs Headquarters, The
Address 2313 San Gabriel St.
City Austin
County Travis
UTM Zone 14
UTM Easting 620268
UTM Northing 3351489
Subject Codes Georgian Revial (Architectural style); design and construction; women, women's history topics; women's clubs
Marker Year 1986
Recorded Texas Historic Landmark Yes
Marker Location
Private Property No
Marker Condition In Situ
Marker Size Medallion & Plate
Marker Text Dedicated to the pursuit of education and humanitarian programs, the Texas Federation Of Women's Clubs was founded in 1897. The goal of a permanent State Headquarters was realized with the construction of this building in the early 1930s. Designed by prominent Dallas architect Henry Coke Knight (1896-1966), it is one of the best examples of Georgian revival architecture in Texas and features a dominant central two-story portico and fine detailing. Recorded Texas Historic Landmark-1986