Details for Daniel H. Caswell House

Historical Marker — Atlas Number 5453006454


Marker Number 6454
Atlas Number 5453006454
Marker Title Daniel H. Caswell House
Index Entry Caswell, Daniel H., House
Address 1404 West Avenue
City Austin
County Travis
UTM Zone 14
UTM Easting 620277
UTM Northing 3350494
Subject Codes houses, residential buildings; Classical Revival (architectural style); Victorian (architectural term)
Marker Year 1984
Recorded Texas Historic Landmark Yes
Marker Location
Private Property No
Marker Condition In Situ
Marker Size RTHL medallion
Marker Text Daniel H. Caswell came to Austin from Nashville, Tennessee, about 1895. He purchased a cotton oil manufacturing company, bought and sold cotton, and in 1899 built a cotton gin. When completed for his family in 1900, this house was located in the far northwest corner of the city. The Caswell house, which exhibits influences of late Victorian, Colonial Revival, and Chateauesque style, features a corner turret and porches supported on rusticated piers. Recorded Texas Historic Landmark-1984