Details for Blackstone Hotel

Historical Marker — Atlas Number 5439012201


Marker Number 12201
Atlas Number 5439012201
Marker Title Blackstone Hotel
Index Entry Blackstone Hotel
Address 601 Main St.
City Fort Worth
County Tarrant
UTM Zone 14
UTM Easting 656388
UTM Northing 3625227
Subject Codes commercial buildings; Art Deco (architectural style); architects; inns, hotels, motels; communication
Marker Year 1998
Recorded Texas Historic Landmark Yes
Marker Location Courtyard Fort Worth Downtown/Blackstone, SE corner Main and E. 5th streets. Marker is inside lobby.
Private Property No
Marker Condition In Situ
Marker Size RTHL medallion and plate
Marker Text The first Art Deco skyscraper in Fort Worth, the Blackstone Hotel was erected in 1929 for wealthy cattleman C. A. "Gus" O'Keefe, who named it after a visit to the Blackstone Hotel in Chicago. The St. Louis architectural firm of Mauran, Russell, and Crowell designed the structure. The city's first radio station, WBAP, once occupied the 22nd floor. A five-story annex was added in the 1950s by the Hilton Hotel chain, which occupied the building from 1952 to 1962. Featuring original sash windows, irregular setbacks, and ornamental terra cotta detailing, the Blackstone Hotel remains the city's tallest pre-World War II structure. Recorded Texas Historic Landmark - 1998