Details for Westover Manor

Historical Marker — Atlas Number 5439005771


Marker Number 5771
Atlas Number 5439005771
Marker Title Westover Manor
Index Entry Westover Manor
Address 8 Westover Rd.
City Fort Worth
County Tarrant
UTM Zone 14
UTM Easting 649554
UTM Northing 3623808
Subject Codes land surveys, land companies, promotional towns
Marker Year 1988
Recorded Texas Historic Landmark Yes
Marker Location 8 Westover Rd., Westover Hills
Private Property No
Marker Condition In Situ
Marker Size 18" x 28"
Marker Text Built in 1929-30 as the flagship for development of Westover Hills, this Norman-Jacobethan revival mansion was selected as the Fort Worth Star-Telegram newspaper's "Home Beautiful". John E. Farrell (1891-1946), first Mayor of Westover Hills and co-discover of the vast east Texas oil field in 1931, lived here from 1930 until his death. Designed by architect Victor Marr Curtis, the house exhibits picturesque blend of materials, including brick and rough-cut limestone, and features a bell-cast tower roof, Tudor chimneys, half-timbered gables, and vari-shaded roof tile. Recorded Texas Historic Landmark-1988