Details for Hotel Texas

Historical Marker — Atlas Number 5439002574


Marker Number 2574
Atlas Number 5439002574
Marker Title Hotel Texas
Index Entry Hotel Texas
Address 815 Main St.
City Fort Worth
County Tarrant
UTM Zone 14
UTM Easting 656499
UTM Northing 3625049
Subject Codes commercial buildings; design and construction; inns, hotels, motels
Marker Year 1982
Recorded Texas Historic Landmark Yes
Marker Location 815 Main St., Fort Worth at main entrance, inside.
Private Property No
Marker Condition In Situ
Marker Size Medallion & Plate
Marker Text In 1919 a group of Fort Worth civic leaders began planning for a hotel that would reflect the city's dynamic growth. Their efforts resulted in construction of the Hotel Texas, which was completed in 1921. Designed under the supervision of Fort Worth architects Sanguinet and Staats, the building features a mixture of styles and elaborate terra cotta detailing. President John F. Kennedy stayed here on the eve of his assassination in 1963. Recorded Texas Historic Landmark-1982.