Details for Bryce Building

Historical Marker — Atlas Number 5439000550


Marker Number 550
Atlas Number 5439000550
Marker Title Bryce Building
Index Entry Bryce Building
Address 909 Throckmorton
City Fort Worth
County Tarrant
UTM Zone 14
UTM Easting 656485
UTM Northing 3624928
Subject Codes commercial buildings; local law enforcement officer; Classical Revival (architectural style); design and construction
Marker Year 1983
Recorded Texas Historic Landmark Yes
Marker Location 909 Throckmorton, Fort Worth
Private Property No
Marker Condition In Situ
Marker Size Medallion & Plate
Marker Text Leading Fort Worth businessman and civic leader William J. Bryce (1861-1944) built this structure in 1910 to house the offices of his construction company. Bryce erected many of the city's commercial structures and served as Mayor of Fort Worth from 1927 to 1933. The Bryce Building, with its irregulare five-sided plan, is a fine example of the adaption of the Classical Revival style to a commercial structure. Recorded Texas Historic Landmark- 1983.