Details for Horse Head Crossing on the Pecos River

Historical Marker — Atlas Number 5371002564


Marker Number 2564
Atlas Number 5371002564
Marker Title Horse Head Crossing on the Pecos River
Index Entry Horse Head Crossing on the Pecos River
Address FM 11
City Girvin
County Pecos
UTM Zone 13
UTM Easting 739674
UTM Northing 3458385
Subject Codes exploration and expeditions; roads; stagecoach routes, stands, etc.; water topics
Marker Year 1936
Recorded Texas Historic Landmark No
Marker Location From Girvin, about 11.5 miles NW on FM 11 to county road, about 2 miles north to marker
Private Property No
Marker Condition In Situ
Marker Size 1936 Texas Centennial - historical marker
Marker Text Here crossed the undated Comanche Trail from Llano Estacado to Mexico. In 1850 John R. Bartlett while surveying the Mexican boundary found the crossing marked by skulls of horses; hence the name "Horse Head". The Southern Overland Mail (Butterfield) route, St. Louis to San Francisco, 1858-1861, and the road west from Fort Concho crossed here. The Goodnight-Loving trail, established in 1866 and trod by tens of thousands of Texas longhorns, came here and turned up the east bank of the Pecos for Fort Summer and into Colorado Erected by the State of Texas 1936