Details for Fort Davis

Historical Marker — Atlas Number 5243010478


Marker Number 10478
Atlas Number 5243010478
Marker Title Fort Davis
Index Entry Fort Davis
City Fort Davis
County Jeff Davis
UTM Zone 13
UTM Easting 606428
UTM Northing 3384959
Subject Codes forts
Marker Year 1936
Recorded Texas Historic Landmark No
Marker Location Fort Davis National Historic Site, Hwy. 17/118 intersection, Fort Davis, located near the parking lot
Private Property
Marker Condition
Marker Size 1936 Centennial - Highway Marker (pink granite)
Marker Text Established by Lieut. Col. Washington Seawell with six companies of the Eighth U.S. Infantry in October 1854 for protecting travelers on the San Antonio-El Paso Road. Named in honor of the then Secretary of War, Jefferson Davis, it was abandoned by federal troops in April 1861, reoccupied in 1867. Troops from the post helped to bring about the peaceful settlement and development of the region. Fort Davis was deactivated in 1891.